Freedom Development Group Inc

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African-American History Timeline
Sistaz Can Spark A Revolution

Tuesday March 11, 2025 05:35AM


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"Living and dying is not the big issue. The big issue
 is what you're going to do with your time while
you're here."
Bill T. Jones

We all have important values and ideas, things we care about and want to share. Sometimes we feel our ideas can even change the world, and we want to let other people know how they can join in and make all our lives better.

This site will present our organization's cause or ideas to the world. As communicating isn't always easy, we'll try to include photos and images that convey our message (remember, a well-chosen picture is a great way to get a point across). We'll also include specific information about our organization and its members, so no one forgets the people behind the pictures.

On this home page, we'll introduce our cause or message. We'll also try to include a picture or two that represents the kind of work we do.


Now is the time for us to come together with one another, to organize, to speak out and speak up on behalf of each other. There is no time to waste, while we debate, define, and discuss; the enemy continues his genocidal plan. We need to bear in mind the Ashanti proverb: 'Two men in a burning house must not stop to argue.' " - Dr. Mutulu Shakur UHURU! - FREE'EM ALL! - AFRICA MUST UNITE!

To ensure people get the right idea, we'll include a brief statement here that describes our organization. We'll tell people what we want to accomplish and exactly how we plan to do it.


We'll introduce our school and highlight important areas on our site.   We look for a bright, motivated student with a dedication to academics. However, we also want a well-rounded individual. Interests outside of school are important, along with a strong desire to be involved in community events.


Home.About Us
Power To Rise, Inc.
PTR, Inc. is the vision of one woman, Mrs. Sherry Dinkins, who felt and saw a great need in her community. During her travels to Michigan, Texas, and California, she saw people struggle with overwhelming issues everyday.
At one time, she likewise found herself overwhelmed by the issue of homelessness and struggled to find a job. There were many obstacles to employment and assistance despite her degree in Information & Computer Science. Many employers told her that she was overqualified for their position. She was also told by support organizations that she did not qualify for help because of the lack of dependents. When she finally returned to the workforce she did not forget her experience.
Her past experiences serve as motivation to plan and organize events that would bring help and information to the community. Being blessed with great organizational skills. She has used these skills to plan and organize events that focus on the needs of the community.
She started in community service in Ecorse, Michigan in 1980's. In 1988, her job moved her to Dallas, Texas where she continued to plan Job Fairs and outreach events. In 1995, after her homeless experience, she moved to San Diego, California where she planned and conducted community outreach events in the local parks and churches. Mrs. Dinkins has brought food, clothes, inspirational music, employment and health information to the less fortunate of our community.
Wherever she finds herself she finds a way to make a difference in her community.




































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July 13, 2007- EHAIOF "Night of Recognition"  Banquet Dinner

                        East County Boy's & Girl's Club- (Event Flyer)

July 14, 2007- Eddie Hart Olympian Track & Field Education Clinic

                        Pittsburg High School- (Event Flyer)


Eddie Hart Honored by the Pittsburg Kiwanis Club

The Kiwanis Club of Pittsburg honored community volunteers Eddie Hart and Nicole Adler on Wednesday at the club's fifth annual "Make A Difference" luncheon, held at Zandonella's Italian Restaurant.


                                                                                          Click here for full Article

Official Press Releases for:

Eddie Hart Olympian Track & Field Education Clinic &

EHAIOF "Night of Recognition" Banquet Dinner

Kids Korner

Click here for more info 


EHAIOF wants to Thank and Support our

GREAT Sponsors!!!

If you can not see the Images Click Link Below

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" Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery;
None but yourselves can free our minds.
Have no fear for atomic energy,
Cause none of them can stop the time.
How long shall they kill our prophets,
While we stand aside and look? Ooh!
Some say it's just a part of it:
We've got fulfil de book."
-Bob Marly-


We must come together,
No matter what religion you
are apart of,
Focusing on that keeps us in disagremant, 
instead of completing the goal,
(All Of Gods Childern
 Coming Together)
If the one you believe
in is the creater of thee Heavens,
and earth we are talking about
the same one, just in a different tounge...

Anyone that calls themselves a leader,
a pastor, a political leader.
How will my people be educated?
How will they be schooled? How will they be housed?
 How will they be defended?
The African American family is an endangered species. The family is the soul, the spirit, and the cornerstone of the nation. If the family dies, then the nation dies. Every child is a child of the community.


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Freedom Development Group