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Akhenaten - Amenhotep IV
1379-1362 BC
Servant of, High Priest
and Son of the one god Aton / Aten (The Sun Disk)
Akhenaten was a revolutionary
who, developing on trends begun by his father, Amenhotep III, introduced naturalism into Egyptian art.
He was the second son of Amenhotep III by his chief wife Queen Tiy.

Akhenaten's parents, Amenhotep III and the
mummy of the 'The Elder lady' thought to be Queen Tiy
We have images of a deformed
man (wide hips and elongated head) who unusually displayed great public intimacy with his family. The deformities may have
been a representation of his true appearance, a medical condition, or perhaps they had some majestic or religious significance.
What ever the case they are so unlike the idealised muscular physiques of the other rulers who constantly appeared so powerful.
Also he is claimed to be the first historically recorded Monotheist. He replaced the worship of Amon and others with that
of the disk of the Sun god Aton, introducing the worship of a single deity (or at least one image) into Egypt. To escape the
influential memory of the other gods and their temples and priests, he created a new capital 'Akhetaten' (Amarna) midway between
Thebes and Memphis the two historic centres of power. All of this upheaval, I suspect, led to his disappearance or death at
the hands factions of out of work priests of the temples of the many old gods.
Aten (Aton) was
the name of the visible solar disc in ancient Egypt. Originally a manifestation of the sun god he became the only true representation
of god during the reign of Pharaoh Amenhotep IV (Akhenaten- Akhenaton -1367 - 1350 BC). The face of the sun god as
seen in Re and Atum lost much of their importance during this period to the more symbolic and mystic representation
of the disk, the light of god, the source of life. Aten was depicted as a radiant solar disc with rays ending in hands holding
the ankh symbol or in hands of blessing over the king and his family, and also as a winged sun disc. This disc was also subtended
by the cobra amulet, the uraeus. The main sanctuaries of Aten were in Thebes, Akhetaten, and Heliopolis.
The focus of Akhenaten's new theology was that Aten was God, the one and only, to be worshipped by the royal family,
who in turn the people would look to as the intermediaries. Worship took place in the open, under the sun, uncovered and unprotected
from the rays of life. Akhenaten styled himself the Son of God and it was to him that the people directed their allegiance
and praise. After seventeen years of rule Akhenaten presumably died and after a short rule by the enigmatic Smenkhkare,
the young Tutankhaten ascended the throne. After the rule from Amarna ended and by the time Horenheb ascended the throne a
systematic eradication of all memory of Akhenaten took place and no complete statue of him exists today however there are
over 2000 books discussing, this, the most intriguing of all Egyptian rulers. Akhetaten was abandoned, desecrated and the
city dismantled and forgotten until the foundations were uncovered in recent times where the outline of the cities foundations
are revealing much of the life of this brief period.
Nefertiti his wife
Akhenaten with his children
The major wife of Akhenaten
was Nefertiti who by all indications was an extremely beautiful woman. She appears to have played a major part in the ceremonial
worship of the Aten. Towards the end of her husband's rule she disappeared from known history, but some suspect that
she was in fact Smenkhkare or even became regent for a time of the young Tutankhaten who was not her son, but possibly the
son of a lesser wife of Akhenaten, Kiya.

Akhenaten possibly
had a co regent and successor, the 16 year old (?) Smenkhkare . So many opinions exist as to his existence. He may have been
the brother or son of Akhenaten, brother of Nefertiti, step brother of Tut or Tut's wife by another name, some say he was
in fact Nefertiti and others that he was Akhenaten's lover (as depicted in the papyrus line drawing above right. The pics
above, which may be Smenkhkare, show a young man, the gold coffin used for Tutankhamun was actually made for Smenkhkare as
shown by inscriptions inside. |
Founder and
ruler of the new capital city of Akhetaten/Amarna
Was Moses an Egyptian follower of The Aton?
The Biblical Moses
lived around the 14th-13th century BCE and was expelled with his followers from Egypt possibly in the reign of Ramses II who
ascended the throne some fifty-sixy years after the death of Akhenaten, who reputedly died at around the young age of thirty.
The remains of Akhenaton have never been positively identified; nor have those of Moses been found on Mt Nebo.
I add this not to prove or disprove anything, but to indicate that belief can be a development across cultures and seldom
in complete, so named, divinely inspired isolation. It is a case of revelation of what we believe as truths are influenced
by cultural and tribal needs, compromises and justifications which can be created. This does not in anyway deny the progress
of belief, but should cause concern with the xenophobic certainty of perceived cultural or religious superiority.

Joseph In Egypt
Akhenaten- Pharaoh
Moses Prince of Egypt?
I have briefly added information that I have found in other sources to expand the story as
I originally heard it. - There was a tribe from either the west of Egypt or from just above the Red Sea,
who during a period of famine moved to Egypt at the invitation of one of their own who was kidnapped and taken to Egypt.
In the old Testament this kidnapped youth is identified as Joseph, and in another Arabic legend we have the character of Ran,
who through his interpretation of dreams gained power and may have imported the notion of a single god (his local god) into
Egyptian consciousness. It is known that from the 13th Dynasty, Semitic races invaded Egypt and by 1663 BC they are the Hyksos
or Desert Princes. Some hundreds of years later Akhenaton on his ascension to the throne of Egypt developed his beliefs
in a one god and enforced worship of the single deity as revealed in the Sun disk Aton. He did not worship the sun as is usually
claimed, for brevity I guess, but the life giving force that emanated from and gave power to it. We now accept that the energy
of the sun is what gives life to everything on our planet. He modelled the god on his own pacifist ideals. This led
to his disinterest in power and a loss of stability in the country and most importantly undermined the authority of the very
rich and powerful Priests of Amon and the other gods. With the nation in disarray, Akhenaten was eventually replaced with
his son or more probably step son or son-in-law, the manageable ten year old Tutankhamun. The young king, possibly under
pressure from those older and more powerful like Ay who was probably Regent, restored the old temples, persecuted the followers
of the single manifestation of the deity, and was himself dead or murdered by eighteen.

At the time of Ramses II, Akhenaten, if he had still lived, or another powerful follower of
the Aton, would have been around eighty, similar to the reported great age of Moses. ( In the Acts of the Apostles, Moses
was 40 when he left Egypt and after another 40 years he returned to Egypt at eighty to free 'his' people and spent a further
40 years wandering in the desert) It is also said that Akhenaten, or Moses and his followers soon left Amarna or were driven
from Egypt or the Capital - Pi Ramesse, ( possibly back to the region of the tribe of Joseph or the land of the Semites) and
thus the legend began of the great leader Moses, (Mose being an Egyptian word for child as seen in such names as Tutmose).
He was reputedly connected to the house of the Pharaohs, or possibly a priest or governor who remained faithful to the religion
of the Aton after the restoration of the old ways and he and his household gathered a large group of followers (local Semites
perhaps) and led his new people to a promised land or even back to where the tribe had once lived, and where they could practice
their religion of the one god or just escape persecution, having grown large in number and being scapegoats in a time of crisis.
Ramses II has long been claimed to be the Pharaoh of the Exodus, but recent theories point to his heir and first born
son may well have been the leader who met his downfall at the hands of the migrating tribe, who left after a period of excessive
flood and the consequent natural sequence of plagues. The final extermination of the elite Egyptian army in the parted waters
of the Red Sea being a literary allusion and also the tenth plague of the death of the first born of Egypt.
The various names of god are similar to various local tribal gods of the Middle East and also this
god's name often could not be spoken and had no image. Similarly the Aton had no image other than the disk of the Sun and
such gods as Amun or Amun-Ra were the unknowable and even though some images exist of him as a man he had no real image as
the one creator of all. This would also fit into a desire for secrecy to prevent word spreading the short distance to Egypt
and thus again bring on the persecution of the followers of Aton. The area was an Egyptian province at the time. Faith is
also a unifier of people. Also it is said that later the connection with Egypt and the Aton was severed so a new name for
the same concept was adopted. Is it coincidental or possible that
the greatest upheaval in Egyptian theology occurred within the same period as did the so called Exodus and not be related? After
all, in the old testament, not written for 500 years after the events there are over 600 references to Egypt.
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Sigmund Freud identifies Moses as an Egyptian at the time of Akhenaton. An administrator/General
or member of the royal family, or priest or all three. After the fall of Akhenaton, Moses, held to the faith, left to govern
a new people and introduced the Aton to them. The one god concept may only have originally been accepted by the elite
of Egypt, while the general population held on to local gods. Freud also identifies the Levites ( a priestly tribe)
as the scribes and attendants of the powerful Egyptian Moses. Eventual uprisings led to his murder and the exiles abandoned
the one god religion for decades or even centuries. The memory of the religion of Moses and his heroic life mingled with other
gods and leaders until a compromise was reached, which joined the Midian Volcano god Jahve with the Aton religion and the
oral tradition when eventually recorded, was edited and modified to create a history acceptable to all. Much of this can be
found in the Freud book 'Moses and Monotheism"
There is also other, fanciful theories about the identification of Moses with Senenmut the chief steward and 'lover' of Hatshepsut.
The debate goes on and the number of releases becoming
available on this Pharaoh is increasing (over 2000 and more than any other Pharaoh) and recently a touring exhibition has
been assembled from throughout the world to celebrate this most intriguing of rulers.

John Pendelbury wearing a collar excavated at Amarna. (Akhetaten)
got its modern name from the local tribe)
Akhenaton's Hymn to the Aton

Praise of Re Harakhti, Rejoicing on the Horizon, in His Name as Shu
Who Is in the Aton-disc, living forever and ever; the living great Aton who is in jubilee, lord of all that the Aton encircles,
lord of heaven, lord of earth, lord of the House of Aton in Akhetaton; (and praise of) the King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
who lives on truth, the Lord of the Two Lands: Neferkheperurewaenre; the Son of Re, who lives on truth, the Lord of Diadems:
AkhenaAton, long in his lifetime; (and praise of) the Chief Wife of the King, his beloved, the Lady of the Two Lands: Neferneferuaton
Nefertiti, living, healthy, and youthful forever and ever; (by) the Fan-Bearer on the Right Hand of the King ... Eye.
He says:
Thou appearest beautifully on the horizon of heaven, Thou living
Aton, the beginning of life! When thou art risen on the eastern horizon, Thou hast filled every land with thy beauty. Thou
art gracious, great, glistening, and high over every land; Thy rays encompass the lands to the limit of all that thou hast
made: As thou art Re, thou reachest to the end of them; (Thou) subduest them (for) thy beloved son. Though thou art
far away, thy rays are on earth; Though thou art in their faces, no one knows thy going.
When thou setest in the western horizon, The land is in darkness,
in the manner of death. They sleep in a room, with heads wrapped up, Nor sees one eye the other. All their goods
which are under their heads might be stolen, (But) they would not perceive (it). Every lion is come forth from his den; All
creeping things, they sting. Darkness is a shroud, and the earth is in stillness, For he who made them rests in his
At daybreak, when thou arisest on the horizon, When thou shinest
as the Aton by day, Thou drivest away the darkness and givest thy rays. The Two Lands are in festivity every day, Awake
and standing upon (their) feet, For thou hast raised them up. Washing their bodies, taking (their) clothing, Their
arms are (raised) in praise at thy appearance. All the world, they do their work.
All beasts are content with their pasturage; Trees and plants
are flourishing. The birds which fly from their nests, Their wings are (stretched out) in praise to thy ka. All beasts
spring upon (their) feet. Whatever flies and alights, They live when thou hast risen (for) them. The ships are sailing
north and south as well, For every way is open at thy appearance. The fish in the river dart before thy face; Thy
rays are in the midst of the great green sea.
Creator of seed in women, Thou who makest fluid into man, Who
maintainest the son in the womb of his mother, Who soothest him with that which stills his weeping, Thou nurse (even)
in the womb, Who givest breath to sustain all that he has made! When he descends from the womb to breathe On the
day when he is born, Thou openest his mouth completely, Thou suppliest his necessities. When the chick in the egg
speaks within the shell, Thou givest him breath within it to maintain him. When thou hast made him his fulfilment within
the egg, to break it, He comes forth from the egg to speak at his completed (time); He walks upon his legs when he comes
forth from it.
How manifold it is, what thou hast made! They are hidden from
the face (of man). O sole god, like whom there is no other! Thou didst create the world according to thy desire, Whilst
thou wert alone: All men, cattle, and wild beasts, Whatever is on earth, going upon (its) feet, And what is on high,
flying with its wings.
The countries of Syria and Nubia, the land of Egypt, Thou setest
every man in his place, Thou suppliest their necessities: Everyone has his food, and his time of life is reckoned. Their
tongues are separate in speech, And their natures as well; Their skins are distinguished, As thou distinguishest
the foreign peoples. Thou makest a Nile in the underworld, Thou bringest forth as thou desirest To maintain the people
(of Egypt) According as thou madest them for thyself, The lord of all of them, wearying (himself) with them, The
lord of every land, rising for them, The Aton of the day, great of majesty.
All distant foreign countries, thou makest their life (also), For
thou hast set a Nile in heaven, That it may descend for them and make waves upon the mountains, Like the great green
sea, To water their fields in their towns. How effective they are, thy plans, O lord of eternity! The Nile in heaven,
it is for the foreign peoples And for the beasts of every desert that go upon (their) feet; (While the true) Nile comes
from the underworld for Egypt.
Thy rays suckle every meadow. When thou risest, they live, they
grow for thee. Thou makest the seasons in order to rear all that thou hast made, The winter to cool them, And the
heat that they may taste thee. Thou hast made the distant sky in order to rise therein, In order to see all that thou
dost make. Whilst thou wert alone, Rising in thy form as the living Aton, Appearing, shining, withdrawing or approaching, Thou
madest millions of forms of thyself alone. Cities, towns, fields, road, and river -- Every eye beholds thee over against
them, For thou art the Aton of the day over the earth....
Thou are in my heart, And there is no other that knows thee Save
thy son Neferkheperurewaenre, For thou hast made him well-versed in thy plans and in thy strength.
The world came into being by thy hand, According as thou hast
made them. When thou hast risen they live, When thou setest they die. Thou art lifetime thy own self, For one
lives (only) through thee. Eyes are (fixed) on beauty until thou setest. All work is laid aside when thou setest in
the west. (But) when (thou) risest (again), [Everything is] made to flourish for the king,... Since thou didst found
the earth And raise them up for thy son, Who came forth from thy body: the King of Upper and Lower Egypt, ... Akenaton,
... and the Chief Wife of the King ... Nefertiti, living and youthful forever and ever. |

Passages in Psalm 104 of
King David written some centuries later are strikingly similar to themes and indeed exact wording, depending on the
translations you read, expressed in the Hymn above, written by Akhenaten. This is better illustrated at
104 (just one translation)
Bless the LORD, my soul! LORD, my God, you are great indeed! You are clothed with majesty and glory,
robed in light as with a cloak. You spread out the heavens like a tent;
you raised your palace upon the waters. You make the clouds your chariot; you travel on the wings of the wind.
You make the winds your messengers; flaming fire, your ministers.
You fixed the earth on its foundation, never to be moved.
The ocean covered it like a garment; above the mountains stood the waters.
At your roar they took flight; at the sound of your thunder they fled.
They rushed up the mountains, down the valleys to the place you had fixed for them.
You set a limit they cannot pass; never again will they cover the earth.
You made springs flow into channels that wind among the mountains.
They give drink to every beast of the field; here wild asses quench their thirst.
Beside them the birds of heaven nest; among the branches they sing.
You water the mountains from your palace; by your labour the earth abounds.
You raise grass for the cattle and plants for our beasts of burden. You bring bread from the earth,
and wine to gladden our hearts, Oil to make our faces gleam, food to build our strength.
The trees of the LORD drink their fill, the cedars of Lebanon, which you planted.
There the birds build their nests; junipers are the home of the stork.
The high mountains are for wild goats; the rocky cliffs, a refuge for badgers.
You made the moon to mark the seasons, the sun that knows the hour of its setting.
You bring darkness and night falls, then all the beasts of the forest roam abroad.
Young lions roar for prey; they seek their food from God.
When the sun rises, they steal away and rest in their dens.
People go forth to their work, to their labour till evening falls.
How varied are your works, LORD! In wisdom you have wrought them all; the earth is full of your creatures.
Look at the sea, great and wide! It teems with countless beings, living things both large and small.
Here ships ply their course; here Leviathan, your creature, plays.
All of these look to you to give them food in due time.
When you give to them, they gather; when you open your hand, they are well filled.
When you hide your face, they are lost. When you take away their breath, they perish and return to the dust
from which they came.
When you send forth your breath, they are created, and you renew the face of the earth.
May the glory of the LORD endure forever; may the LORD be glad in these works!
If God glares at the earth, it trembles; if God touches the mountains, they smoke!
I will sing to the LORD all my life; I will sing praise to my God while I live.
May my theme be pleasing to God; I will rejoice in the LORD.
May sinners vanish from the earth, and the wicked be no more. Bless the LORD, my soul! Hallelujah! |
Menelek II
King of Kings of Abyssinia
(1844 - 1913)
Proclaimed to be a descendant of the legendary Queen of Sheba and King Solomon,
Menelek was the overshadowing figure of his time in Africa. He converted a group of independent kingdoms into the strong,
stable empire known as the United States of Abyssinia (Ethiopia). His feat of pulling together
several kingdoms which often fiercely opposed each other earned him a place as one of the great statesmen of African history.
His further accomplishments in dealing on the international scene with the world powers, coupled with his stunning victory
over Italy in the 1896 Battle of Adwa, an attempt to invade his country, placed him among the great leaders of world history and maintained his country's independence
until 1935.
Queen of Sheba
(960 B.C.)
She gave the king 120 talents of gold, and of spices very great store and precious
stones; there came no more abundance of spices as these which the Queen of Sheba gave to King Solomon." (kings, 10:10)
The Biblical passage refers to the gifts Makeda presented King Solomon of Israel on her famed
journey to visit the Judean monarch. But Makeda’s gift to Solomon extended beyond material objects; She also gave him
a son, Menelek. The boy’s remarkable resemblance to his grandfather prompted Solomon to re-christen Menelek. Solomon
later re-named his son after his own father, the legendary King David.
Amazon Queen of Matamba, West Africa
(1582 - 1663)
Many women ranked among the great rulers of Africa including this Angolan queen
who was an astute diplomat and excelled as military leader. When the slave-hunting Portuguese attacked the army of her brother’s
kingdom, Nzingha was sent to negotiate the peace. She did so with astonishing skill and political tact, despite the fact that
her brother had her brother had her child killed. She later formed her own army against the Portuguese, and waged war for
nearly thirty years. These battles saw a unique moment in colonial history as Nazingha allied her nation with the Dutch, making
the first African European alliance against a European oppressor. Nzingha continued to wield
considerable influence among her subjects despite being forced into exile. Because of her quest for freedom and relentless
drive to bring peace to her people, Nzingha remains a glimmering symbol of inspiration.
Idris Alooma
Sultan of Bornu
(1580 - 1617)
For two centuries before Idris Alooma become Mai (Sultan) of Bornu, Kanem was a
separate land whose people had been driven out by their nomadic cousins, the Bulala. It took one of Africa’s most extraordinary
rulers to reunite the two kingdoms. Idris Alooma was a devout Moslem. He replaced tribal law
with Moslem law, and early in his reign, he made a pilgrimage to Mecca. But the trip had as much military as religious significance,
for he returned with Turkish firearms and later commanded an incredibly strong army. They marched swiftly and attacked suddenly,
crushing hostile tribes in annual campaigns. Finally Idris conquered the Bulala, establishing dominion over the Kanem-Bornu
empire and a peace lasting half a century.
Shamba Bolongongo
Africa King of Peace
(1600 - 1620)
Hailed as one the greatest monarchs of the Congo, King Shamba had no greater desire
than to preserve the peace, which is reflected in a common quote of his: "Kill neither man, woman nor child. Are they not
the children of Chembe (God), and have they not the right to live?" He often had his subjects travel to distant villages wearing
their wood-bladed knife of state, which was recognized as their sole means of weaponry. Shamba
was also noted for promoting arts and crafts, and for designing a complex and extremely democratic form of government featuring
a system of checks and balances. The government was divides into sectors including military, judicial, and administrative
branches and represented all Bushongo people.
King of Nubia
(710 - 664 B.C.)
At the age of sixteen, this great Nubian King led his armies against the invading
Assyrians in defence of his ally, Israel. This action earned him a place in the Bible (Isaias 37:9, 2 Kings 19:9). During his 25-years reign, Taharqa controlled the largest empire in ancient Africa. His power was equaled
only by the Assyrians. These two forces were in constant conflict, but despite the continuous warfare, Taharqa was able to
initiate a building program throughout his empire which was overwhelming in scope. The numbers and majesty of his building
projects were legendary, with the greatest being the temple at Gebel Barkal in the Sudan. The temple was caved from the living
rock and decorated with images of Taharqa over 100 feet high.
King of Ghana
(1037 - 1075 A.D.)
The country of Ghana reached the height of its greatness during the reign of Tenkamenin.
Through his careful management of the gold trade across the Sahara desert into West Africa, Tenkamenin’s empire flourished
economically. But his greatest strength was in government. Each day he would ride out on horseback and listen to the problems
and concerns of his people. He insisted that no one be denied an audience and that they be allowed to remain in his presence
until satisfied that justice had been done. His principles of democratic monarchy and religious
tolerance make Tenkamenin’s reign one of the great models of African rule.
Ruler of Carthage
(247 - 183 B.C.)
Regarded as one of the greatest generals of all times, Hannibal and his overpowering
African armies conquered major portions of Spain and Italy and came close to defeating the mighty Roman Empire. Born in the North Africa country of Carthage, Hannibal became general of the army at age twenty-five.
His audacious moves-such as marching his army with African war elephants through the treacherous Alps to surprise and conquer
Northern Italy-and his tactical genius, as illustrated by the battle of Cannae where his seemingly trapped army cleverly surrounded
and destroyed a much larger Roman force, won him recognition which has spanned more than 2000 years.
The Ablest Queen of Far Antiquity
(1503 - 1482 B.C.)
Hatshepsut rose to power after her father Thothmes I was stricken with paralysis.
He appointed Hatshepsut as his chief aide and heiress to the throne. While several male rivals sought to oust power, Hatshepsut
withstood their challenges to remain leader of what was then the world's leading nation. To
help enhance her popularity with the people of Egypt, Hatshepsut had a number of spectacular temples and pyramids erected.
Some of the towering structures still stand today as a reminder of the first true female ruler of a civilized nation. She
was indeed the "The Ablest Queen of Far Antiquity" and remained so for thirty-three years.
Sunni Ali Ber
King of Songhay
(1464 - 1492)
When Sunni Ali Ber came to power, Songhay was a small kingdom in the western Sudan.
But during his twenty-eight-year reign, it grew into the largest, most powerful empire in West Africa. Sunni
Ali Ber built a remarkable army and with this ferocious force, the warrior king won battle after battle. He routed marauding
nomads, seized trade routes, took villages, and expanded his domain. He captured Timbuktu, bringing into the Songhay empire
a major center of commerce culture, and Moslem scholarship.
Ja Ja
King of the Opobo
(1464 - 1492)
Jubo Jubogha, the son of an unknown member of the Ibo people, was forced into slavery
at age 12, but gained his freedom while still young and proposed as an independent trader (knows as Ja Ja by the Europeans).
He become chief of his people and the head of his Eastern Nigerian City State of Bonny. He later established and become king
of his own territory, Opobo, an area near the Eastern Nigeria River more favorable for trading. As
years passed, European governments, mainly British, attempted to gain control of Nigerian trade. Ja Ja's fierce resistance
to any outside influence led to his exile at age 70 to the West Indies by the British. The greatest Ibo chief of the nineteenth
century never saw his kingdom again.
The Good King of Bechuanaland
(1819 - 1923)
Khama distinguished his reign by being highly regarded as a peace-loving ruler with
the desire and ability to extract technological innovations from Europeans while resisting their attempts to colonize his
country. Such advancements included the building of schools, scientific cattle feeding, and the introduction of a mounted
police corps, which practically eliminated all forms of crime. Respect for Khama was exemplified
during a visit with Queen Victoria of England to protest English settlement in Bechuanaland in 1875. The English honored Khama
and confirmed his appeal for continued freedom for Bechuanaland.
Mansa Kankan Mussa
King of Mali
(1306 - 1332)
A flamboyant leader and world figure, Mansa Mussa distinguished himself as a man
who did everything on a grand scale. An accomplished businessman, he managed vast resources to benefit his entire kingdom.
He was also a scholar, and imported noteworthy artists to heighten the culture awareness of his people. In
1324 he led his people on the Hadj, a holy pilgrimage from Timbuktu to Mecca. He caravan consisted of 72,000 people whom he
led safely across the Sahara Desert and back, a total distance of 6,496 miles. So spectacular was this event, that Mansa Mussa
gained the respect of scholars and traders throughout Europe, and won international prestige for Mali as one of the world's
largest and wealthiest empire.
The Nubian Queen of Egypt
(ca. 1415 - 1340 B.C.)
Now it came to pass that, in the 14th century B.C., a wise and beautiful woman from
Nubia so captured the heart of the pharaoh, she changed the course of history. Amenhotep III,
the young Egyptian ruler, was so taken by Tiye's beauty, intellect, and will, he defied his nation's priests and custom by
proclaiming this Nubian commoner his great Royal Spouse. He publicly expressed his love for his beautiful black queen in many
ways, making her a celebrated and wealthy person in her own right. He took her counsel in matters political and military much
to heart and later declared that, as he had treated her in life, so should she be depicted in death…as his equal.
Thutmose III
Pharaoh of Egypt
(1504 - 1450 B.C.)
Thutmose III was a member of one of the greatest families in the history of African
royalty, a family, which laid the basis for the 18th Dynasty of ancient Egypt. But it was his family which also was the source
of his greatest frustration, as he always believed he should have come to power before his sister, Hatshepsut, and was angry
over this for most of his life. Ironically, though, it was the assignments she gave him, which not only helped in his rise
to power, but also helped him learn and understand the responsibilities of his royal position. Thutmose
III eventually overcome his anger to become on of the most important Pharaohs in Egyptian history, a man who will be remembered
as a great warrior who strengthened the sovereignty of Egypt and extended its influence into Western Asia.
Osei Tutu
King of Asante
(1680 - 1717)
Osei Tutu was the founder and first king of the Asante nation, a great West African
forest kingdom in what is now Ghana. He was able to convince a half dozen suspicious chiefs to join their states under his
leadership when, according to legend, the Golden Stool descended from heaven and came to rest on Osei Tutu's knees, signifying
his choice by the gods. The Golden Stool become a sacred symbol of the nation's soul, which was especially appropriate since
gold was the prime source of Asante wealth. During Osei Tutu's reign, the geographic area
of Asante tripled in size. The kingdom becomes a significant power that, with his military and political prowess as an example,
would endure for two centuries.
Samory Toure
The Black Napoleon of the Sudan
(1830 - 1900)
The ascendance of Samory Toure began when his native Bissandugu was attacked and
his mother taken captive. After a persuasive appeal, Samory was allowed to take her place, but later escaped and joined the
army of King Bitike Souane of Torona. Following a quick rise through the ranks of Bitike's army. Samory returned to Bissandugu
where he was soon installed as king and defied French expansionism in Africa by launching a conquest to unify West Africa
into a single state. During the eighteen-year conflict with France, Samory continually frustrated
the Europeans with his military strategy and tactics. This astute military prowess prompted some of France's greatest commanders
to entitle the African monarch, "The Black Napoleon of the Sudan".
King of the Zulus
(1818 - 1828)
A strong leader and military innovator, Shaka is noted for revolutionizing 19th
century Bantu warfare by first grouping regiments by age, and training his men to use standardized weapons and special tactics.
He developed the "assegai", a short stabbing spear, and marched his regiments in tight formation, using large shields to fend
off the enemies throwing spears. Over the years, Shaka's troops earned such a reputation that many enemies would flee at the
sight of them. With cunning and confidence as his tools, Shaka built a small Zulu tribe into
a powerful nation of more than one million people, and united all tribes in South Africa against Colonial rule.
King of Basutoland
(1518 - 1868)
For half a century, the Basotho people were ruled by the founder of their nation.
Moshoeshoe was a wise and just king who was as brilliant in diplomacy as he was in battle. He united many diverse groups,
uprooted by war, into a stable society where law and order prevailed and the people could raise their crops and cattle in
peace. He knew that peace made prosperity possible, and he often avoided conflict through skillful negotiations. Hoshoeshoe solidified Basotho defenses at Thaba Bosiu, their impregnable mountain capital. From this
stronghold he engineered a number of major victories over superior forces.
Queen of Zululand
(1778 - 1826 A.D.)
The year was 1786. The king of Zululand was overjoyed. His wife, Nandi, had given
birth to a son, his first son, whom they named Shaka. But the King's other wives, jealous and bitter, pressured him to banish
Nandi and the young boy into exile. Steadfast and proud, she raised her son with the kind of training and guidance a royal
heir should have. For her many scarifies, Nandi was finally rewarded when her son, Shaka, later returned to become the greatest
of all Zulu Kings. To this day, the Zulu people use her name, "Nandi", to refer to a woman
of high esteem.
Nubian Queen of Egypt
(1292 - 1225 B.C.)
One of many great Nubian queens, Nefertari is heralded as the queen who wed for
peace. Her marriage to King Rameses II of Egypt, one of the last greatest Egyptian Pharaohs, began strictly as a political
move, a sharing of power between two leaders. Not only did it grow into one of the greatest royal love affairs in history,
but brought the hundred years war between Nubia and Egypt to an end. It was an armistice, which lasted over a hundred years.
Even today, a monument stands in Queen Nefertar's honor. In fact, the temple, which Rameses
built for her at Abu Simbel, is one of the largest and most beautiful structures ever built to honor a wife, and to celebrate
Nehanda of Zimbabwe
Born into a religious family, Nehanda displayed remarkable leadership and organizational
skills, and at a young age becomes one of Zimbabwe's two most influential religious leaders. When
English settlers invaded Zimbabwe in 1896 and began confiscating land and cattle, Nehanda and other leaders declared war.
At first they achieved great success, but as supplies ran short, so did battlefield victories. Nehanda was eventually captured,
found guilty and executed for ordering the killing of a notoriously cruel Native Commander. Though dead for nearly a hundred
years, Nehanda remains what she was when alive - the single most important person in the modern history of Zimbabwe, and is
still referred to as Mbuya (Grandmother) Nehanda by Zimbabwean patriots.
Cleopatra VII
Queen of Egypt
(69 - 30 B.C.)
The most famous of seven matriarchs to bear this name, Cleopatra rose to the throne
at seventeen. The young queen is often erroneously portrayed as Caucasian, however, she was of both Greek and African descent.
By mastering many different languages and several African dialects, she becomes instrumental in reaching beyond the border
of Egypt. Striving to evaluate Egypt to world supremacy, Cleopatra enlisted the military services
of two great Roman leaders. She persuaded Julius Caesar and, later, Mark Antony to renounce their Roman allegiances to fight
on behalf of Egypt. Each, however, met his death before Cleaopatra's dreams of conquest were realized. Disheartened, Cleopatra
pressed an asp to her breast, ending the life of the world's most celebrated African queen.

Cheikh Anta Diop argues that many Ancient Egyptians were Black Africans; the Greek debt to Egypt.
Peter Myers, July 6, 2002; update September 12, 2005. My comments are shown {thus}. Write to me at
You are at
The argument that Ancient Egypt was African deserves to be put.
Of course, there was also mixing with the Semitic-speaking peoples (the Akkadians, Phoenicians and Hyksos, the people
of Babylonia and Assyria, and later the invading Arab armies) and with Indo-Europeans (elements of the Mitanni, Hyksos,
Hittites and Sea Peoples; the invading Persian Empire, the Greeks that came in Alexander's wake; then the Romans).
(1) Cheikh Anta Diop, The African Origin of Civilization (2) G. K. Osei, a black American (3) DIODORUS OF SICILY
(4) Herodotus Histories: the Egyptians (2.35-91) (5) Martin Bernal puts the case for African/Semitic influence
on the formation of Greek culture and institutions (6) Cyrus H. Gordon on race-mixing in Egypt (7) Donald B. Redford enters
the Afrocentrist debate
(1) Cheikh Anta Diop, The African Origin of Civilization, edited and translated by Mercer
Cook, Lawrence Hill Books, Chicago 1974.
The Great Sphinx had a negro head: diop1.jpg
King Narmer, long regarded as the first Pharaoh - with negro features: diop5.jpg
Pharaohs Zoser and Cheops: diop6-7.jpg
Pharaohs Mycerinus and Mentuhotep I: diop8-9.jpg
Pharaoh Sesostris I: diop10.jpg
Pharaohs Tuthmosis III and Taharqa: diop12-13.jpg
Egyptian women - note their wavy braided "Afro" hair: egypt-women.jpg
Another painting of Egyptian women - 18th Dynasty, c. 1400 B.C. - from The British Museum Dictionary of Ancient Egypt,
by Ian Shaw and Paul Nicholson (The British Museum Press, London 1995; pocket edition 2002), p. 193: egypt-women-2.jpg
Egyptian women's braided wigs: diop25-6.jpg
I'm not trying to polemicise history, as Martin Bernal is in his Black Athena series. Bernal keeps accusing other
scholars of "Anti-Semitism", making out that Jews are the saviors of the Black movement today. Yet he ignores the Jewish Bible's
responsibility for giving Ancient Egypt - its Pharaohs, its religion, its achievements - a bad reputation. What else does
"Exodus" mean, but escape from Pharaonic Egypt? The Jewish Bible's enmity towards Ancient Egypt was later taken up by
Christians who stamped out the Egyptian religion, and Moslems who pillaged the pyramids.
Cheikh Anta Diop, The African Origin of Civilization, edited and translated by Mercer Cook, Lawrence Hill
Books, Chicago 1974.
{p. 1} What Were the Egyptians?
In contemporary descriptions of the ancient Egyptians, this question is never raised. Eyewitnesses of that period formally
affirm that the Egyptians were Blacks. On several occasions Herodotus insists on the Negro character of the Egyptians and
even uses this for indirect demonstrations. For example, to prove that the flooding of the Nile cannot be caused by melting
snow, he cites, among other reasons he deems valid, the following observation: "It is certain that the natives of the
country are black with the heat. ..." {endnote 1: The History of Herododus, translated by George Rawlinson. New
York. Tudor, 1928, p. 88.}
To demonstrate that the Greek oracle is of Egyptian origin, Herodotus advances another argument: "Lastly, by calling
the dove black, they [the Dodonaeans] indicated that the woman was Egyptian. ..." {endnote 2: Ibid., p. 101.} The doves
in question symbolize two Egyptian women allegedly kidnapped from Thebes to found the oracles of Dodona and Libya.
To show that the inhabitants of Colchis were of Egyptian origin and had to be considered a part of Sesostris' army who
had settled in that region, Herodotus says: "The Egyptians said that they believed the Colchians to be descended from the
army of Sesostris. My own conjectures were founded, first, on the fact that they are black-skinned and have woolly hair. ..."
{endnote 3: Ibid., p. 115.} Finally, concerning the population of India, Herodotus distinguishes between the Padaeans
and other Indians, describing them as follows: "They all also have the same tint of skin, which approaches that of the
Ethiopians." {endnote 4: Ibid., p. 184.}
Diodorus of Sicily writes:
{quote} The Ethiopians say that the Egyptians are one of their colonies which was brought into Egypt by Osiris.
They even allege that this country was originally under water, but that the Nile, dragging much mud as it flowed from Ethiopia,
had finally filled it in and made it a part of the continent. ... They add that from them, as from their authors and ancestors,
the Egyptians get most of their laws. It is from them that the Egyptians have learned to honor
{p. 2} kings as gods and bury them with such pomp; sculpture and writing were invented by the Ethiopians. The Ethiopians
cite evidence that they are more ancient than the Egyptians, but it is useless to report that here. {endquote} {endnote 5:
Histoire universelle, translated by Abbe Terrasson. Paris, 1758, Bk. 3 p. 341.}
If the Egyptians and Ethiopians were not of the same race, Diodorus would have emphasized the impossibility of considering
the former as a colony (i.e., a fraction) of the latter and the impossibility of viewing them as forebears of the Egyptians.
In his Geography, Strabo mentioned the importance of migrations in history and, believing that this particular migration
had proceeded from Egypt to Ethiopia, remarks: "Egyptians settled Ethiopia and Colchis." {endnote 6: Bk. 1, Chap. 3,
par. 10.} Once again, it is a Greek, despite his chauvinism, who informs us that the Egyptians, Ethiopians, and Colchians
belong to the same race, thereby confirming what Herodotus had said about the Colchians. {endnote 7: The Colchians formed
a cluster of Negroes among white populations near the Black Sea ... }
The opinion of all the ancient writers on the Egyptian race is more or less summed up by Gaston Maspero (1846-1916):
"By the almost unanimous testimony of ancient historians, they belonged to an African race [read: Negro] which first settled
in Ethiopia, on the Middle Nile; following the course of the river, they gradually reached the sea. ... Moreover, the Bible
states that Mesraim, son of Ham, brother of Chus (Kush) the Ethiopian, and of Canaan, came from Mesopotamia to settle with
his children on the banks of the Nile." {endnote 8: Gaston Maspero, Histoire ancienne des peuples de l'Orient. Paris:
Hachette, 1917, p. 15, 12th ed. (Translated as: The Dawn of Civilization. London, 1894; reprinted, New York: Frederick
Ungar, 1968.)} ...
{p. 3} Besides, Herodotus was not a credulous historian who recorded everything without checking; he knew how to
weigh things. When he relates an opinion that he does not share, he always takes care to note his disagreement. Thus,
referring to the mores of the Scythians and Neurians, he writes apropos the latter: "It seems that these people are conjurers;
for both the Scythi- ans and the Greeks who dwell in Scythia say that every Neurian once a year becomes a wolf for a few days,
at the end of which time he is restored to his proper shape. Not that I believe this, but they constantly affirm it to be
true, and are even ready to back up their assertion with an oath." {endnote 10: Herodotus, p. 236.}
He always distinguishes carefully between what he has seen and what he has been told. After his visit to the Labyrinth,
he writes:
{quote} There are two different sorts of chambers throughout Ñ half under ground, half above ground, the latter built
upon the former; the whole number of these chambers is three thousand, fifteen hundred of each kind. The upper chambers
I myself passed through and saw, and what I say concerning them is from my own observation; of the underground chambers I
can only speak from report, for the keepers of the building could not be got to show them, since they contained,
as they said, the sepulchers of the kings who built the Labyrinth, and also those of the sacred crocodiles. Thus it
is from hearsay only that I can speak of the lower chambers. The upper chambers, however, I saw with my own eyes
and found them to excel all other human productions. {endquote} {endnote 11: Ibid., pp. 133-134.}
Was Herodotus a historian deprived of logic, unable to penetrate complex phenomena? On the contrary, his explanation of
the inundations of the Nile reveals a rational mind seeking scientific reasons for natural phenomena:
{quote} Perhaps, after censuring all the opinions that have been put forward on this obscure subject, one ought to propose
some theory of one's own. I will therefore proceed to explain what I think to be the reason of the Nile's swelling in the
summertime. During the winter, the sun is driven out of his usual course by the storms, and removes to the upper parts
of Libya. This is the whole secret in the fewest possible words; for it stands to reason that the coun-
{p. 4} try to which the Sun-god approaches the nearest, and which he passes most directly over, will be scantest of water,
and that here streams which feed the rivers will shrink the most. To explain, however, more at length, the case is this. The
sun, in his passage across the upper parts of Libya, affects them in the following way. As the air in these regions is constantly
clear, and the country warm through the absence of cold winds, the sun in his passage across them acts upon them exactly as
he is wont to act elsewhere in summer, when his path is in the middle of heaven Ñ that is, he attracts the water. After attracting
it, he again repels it into the upper regions, where the winds lay hold of it, scatter it, and reduce it into a vapor, whence
it naturally enough comes to pass that the winds which blow from this quarter Ñ the south and southwest Ñ are of all winds
the most rainy. And my own opinion is that the sun does not get rid of all the water which he draws year by year from the
Nile, but retains some about him. {endquote} {endnote 12. Ibid., pp. 88-89.}
These three examples reveal that Herodotus was not a passive reporter of incredible tales and rubbish, "a liar." On the
contrary, he was quite scrupulous, objective, scientific for his time. Why should one seek to discredit such a historian,
to make him seem naive? Why "refabricate" history despite his explicit evidence?
Undoubtedly the basic reason for this is that Herodotus, after relating his eyewitness account informing us that
the Egyptians were Blacks, then demonstrated, with rare honesty (for a Greek), that Greece borrowed from Egypt all
the elements of her civilization, even the cult of the gods, and that Egypt was the cradle of civilization. Moreover,
archeological discoveries continually justify Herodotus against his detractors. Thus, Christiane Desroches-Noblecourt writes
about recent excavations in Tanis* {footnote: Tanis, the Biblical Zoan, at the mouth of the eastern branch of the Nile Delts}:
"Herodotus had seen the outer buildings of these sepulchers and had described them. [This was the Labyrinth discussed above.]
Pierre Montet has just proved once again that 'The Father of History did not lie.'" {endnote 13: Sciences et Avenir,
No. 56, October 1951.} It could be objected that, in the fifth century B.C. when Herodotus visited Egypt, its civilization
was already more than 10,000 years old and that the race which had created it was not necessarily the Negro race that Herodotus
found there.
But the whole history of Egypt, as we shall see, shows that the
{p. 5} mixture of the early population with white nomadic elements, conquerors or merchants, became increasingly important
as the end of Egyptian history approached. According to Cornelius de Pauw, in the low epoch Egypt was almost saturated
with foreign white colonies: Arabs in Coptos, Libyans on the future site of Alexandria, Jews around the city of Hercules (Avaris?),
Babylonians (or Persians) below Memphis, "fugitive Trojans" in the area of the great stone quarries east of the Nile,
Carians and Ionians over by the Pelusiac branch. Psammetichus (end of seventh century) capped this peaceful invasion by
entrusting the defense of Egypt to Greek mercenaries. "An enormous mistake of Pharaoh Psammetichus was to commit the defense
of Egypt to foreign troops and to introduce various colonies made up of the dregs of the nations." {endnote 14: Cornelius
de Pauw, Recherches philosophiques sur les Egyptiens et les Chinois. Berlin, 1773, II, 337.} Under the last Saite dynasty,
the Greeks were officially established at Naucratis, the only port where foreigners were authorized to engage in trading.
After the conquest of Egypt by Alexander, under the Ptolemies, crossbreeding between white Greeks and black Egyptians
flourished, thanks to a policy of assimilation: "Nowhere was Dionysus more favored, nowhere was he worshiped more adoringly
and more elaborately than by the Ptolemies, who recognized his cult as an especially effective means of promoting the assimilation
of the conquering Greeks and their fusion with the native Egyptians." {endnote 15: J. J. Bachofen, Pages choisies par Adrien
Turel, "Du Regne de la mere au patriarcat." Paris: F. Alcan, 1938, p. 89.}
These facts prove that if the Egyptian people had originally been white, it might well have remained so. If Herodotus
found it still black after so much crossbreeding, it must have been basic black at the start.
{p. 27} Before examining the contradictions circulating in the modern era and resulting from attempts to prove at any price
that the Egyptians were Whites, let us note the astonishment of a scholar of good faith, Count Constantin de Volney (1757-1820).
After being imbued with all the prejudices we have just mentioned with regard to the Negro, Volney had gone to Egypt between
1783 and 1785, while Negro slavery flourished. He reported as follows on the Egyptian race, the very race that had produced
the Pharaohs: the Copts.
{quote} ... all have a bloated face, puffed up eyes, flat nose, thick lips; in a word, the true face of the mulatto. I
was tempted to attribute it to the climate, but when I visited the Sphinx, its appearance gave me the key to the riddle.
On seeing that head, typically Negro in all its features, I remembered the remarkable passage where Herodotus says: "As for
me, I judge the Colchians to be a colony of the Egyptians because, like them, they are black with woolly hair. ..." In
other words, the ancient Egyptians were true Negroes of the same type as all native-born Africans. That being so, we can see
how their blood, mixed for several centuries with that of the Romans and Greeks, must have lost the intensity of its original
color, while retaining nonetheless the imprint of its original mold. We can even state as a general principle that the face
is a kind of monument able, in many cases, to attest or shed light on historical evidence on the origins of peoples. {endquote}
After illustrating this proposition by citing the case of Normans who still resembled the Danes 900 years after the conquest
of Nor- mandy, Volney adds:
{quote} But returning to Egypt, the lesson she teaches history contains many reflections for philosophy. What a subject
for meditation, to see the present barbarism and ignorance of the Copts, descendants of the alliance between the profound
genius of the Egyptians and
{p. 28} the brilliant mind of the Greeks! Just think that this race of black men, today our slave and the object of
our scorn, is the very race to which we owe our arts, sciences, ana even the use of speech! Just imagine, finally, that
it is in the midst of peoples who call themselves the greatest friends of liberty and humanity that one has approved the most
barbarous slavery and questioned whether black men have the same kind of intelligence as Whites! {endquote} {endnote 7: C.
F. Volney, Voyages en Syrie et en Egypte. Paris, 1787, I, 74-77.}
{p. 28} In 1799 Bonaparte undertook his campaign in Egypt. Thanks to the Rosetta stone, hieroglyphics were deciphered
in 1822 by Champollion the Younger, who died in 1832. He left as his "calling card" an Egyptian grammar and a series of letters
to his brother, Champollion-Figeac, letters written during his visit to Egypt (1828-1829). Thesc were published in l833
by Champollion-Figeac. From then on the wall of the hieroglyphics was breached, unveiling surprising riches in their
most minute details.
{p. 46} Let us start with the oldest of these theses, that of Champollion the Younger, set forth in the thirteenth letter
to his brother. It concerns bas-reliefs on the tomb of Sesostris I, also visited by Rienzi. These date back to the
sixteenth century B.C. (Eighteenth Dynasty) and represent the races of man known to the Egyptians. This monument
is the oldest complete ethnological document available. Here is what Champollion says about it:
{quote} Right in the valley of Biban-el-Moluk, we admired, like all previous visitors, the astonishing freshness of the
paintings and the fine sculptures on several tombs. I had a copy made of the peoples represented on the bas-reliefs. At
first I had thought, from copies of these bas-reliefs published in England, that these peoples of different races led
by the god Horus holding his shepherd's staff, were indeed nations subject to the rule of the Pharaohs. A study of the
legends informed me that this tableau has a more general meaning. It portrays the third hour of the day, when the sun is beginning
to turn on its burning rays, warming all the inhabited countries of our hemisphere. According to the legend itself, they wished
to represent the inhabitants of Egypt and those of foreign lands. Thus we have before our eyes the image of the various races
of man known to the Egyptians and we learn at the same time the great geographical or ethnographical divisions established
during that early epoch. Men led by Horus, the shepherd of the peoples, belong to four distinct families. The first, the
one closest to the god, has a dark red color, a well-proportioned body, kind face, nose slightly aquiline, long braided
hair, and is dressed in white. The legends designate this species as Rot-en-ne-Rome, the race of men par excellence i.e.,
the Egyptians. There can be no uncertainty about the racial identity of the man who comes next: he belongs to the Black
race, designated under the general term Nahasi. The third presents a very different aspect; his skin color borders
on yellow or tan; he has a strongly aquiline nose, thick, black pointed beard, and wears a short garment of varied colors;
these are called Namou. Finally, the last one is what we call flesh-colored, a white skin of the most delicate shade,
a nose straight or slightly arched, blue eyes, blond or reddish beard, tall stature and very slender clad in a
{p. 47} hairy ox-skin, a veritable savage tattooed on various parts of his body; he is called Tamhou. I hastened
to seek the tableau corresponding to this one in the other royal tombs and, as a matter of fact, I found it in several.
The variations I observed fully convinced me that they had tried to represent here the inhabitants of the four corners of
the earth, according to the Egyptian system, namely: 1. the inhabitants of Egypt which, by itself, formed one part
of the world ...; 2. the inhabitants of Africa proper: Blacks; 3. Asians; 4. finally (and I am ashamed to say so, since
our race is the last and the most savage in the series), Europeans who, in those remote epochs, frankly did
not cut too fine a figure in the world. In this category we must include all blonds and white-skinned people living not
only in Europe, but Asia as well, their starting point. This manner of viewing the tableau is all the more accurate because,
on the other tombs, the same generic names reappear, always in the same order. We find there Egyptians and Africans
represented in the same way, which could not be otherwise; but the Namou (the Asians) and the Tamhou (Europeans) present
significant and curious variants. Instead of the Arab or the Jew, dressed simply and represented on one tomb, Asia's
representatives on other tombs (those of Ramses II, etc.) are three individuals, tanned complexion, aquiline nose,
black eyes, and thick beard, but clad in rare splendor. In one, they are evidently Assyrians, their costume, down to
the smallest detail, is identical with that of personages engraved on Assyrian cylinders. In the other, are Medes or early
inhabitants of some part of Persia. Their physiognomy and dress resemble, feature for feature, those found on monuments
called Persepolitan. Thus, Asia was represented indiscriminately by any one of the peoples who inhabited it. The same is true
of our good old ancestors, the Tamhou. Their attire is sometimes different; their heads are more or less hairy and
adorned with various ornaments; their savage dress varies somewhat in form, but their white complexion, their eyes
and beard all preserve the character of a race apart. I had this strange ethnographical series copied and colored. I certainly
did not expect, on arriving at Biban-el-Moluk, to find sculptures that could serve as vignettes for the history of the
primitive Europeans, if ever one has the courage to attempt it. Nevertheless, there is something flat-
{p. 48} tering and consoling in seeing them, since they make us appreciate the progress we have subsequently achieved.
{endquote} {endnote 3: Champollion-Figeac, Egypte ancienne. Paris: Collection l'Univers, 1839, pp. 30-31. ...}
For a very good reason, I have reproduced this extract as Champollion-Figeac published it, rather than take it from
the "new edition" of the Letters published in 1867 by the son of Champollion the Younger (Cheronnet-Champollion). The
originals were addressed to Champollion-Figeac; therefore his edition is more authentic.
{p. 49} Champollion's conclusion is typical. After stating that these sculptures can serve as vignetles for the history
of the early inhabitants of Europe, he adds, "if ever one has the courage to attempt it." Finally, after those comments, he
presents his opinion on the Egyptian race:
{quote} The first tribes that inhabited Egypt, that is, the Nile Valley between the Syene cataract and the sea, came
from Abyssinia to Sennar. The ancient Egyptians belonged to a race quite similar to the Kennous or Barabras, present inhabitants
of Nubia. In the Copts of Egypt, we do not find any of the characteristic features of the ancient Egyptian population.
The Copts are the result of crossbreeding with all the nations that have successively dominated Egypt. It is wrong to
seek in them the principal features of the old race. {endquote} {endnote 4: Champollion-Figeac, ibid., p. 27.}
{p. 50} Champollion's opinion on the Egyptian race was recorded in a memoir prepared for the Pasha of Egypt, to whom
he delivered it in 1829.
{p. 63} In Les Egyptes, a volume published around 1880, Marius Fontanes attacks the same problem:
{quote} Since the Egyptians always painted themselves red on their monu- ments, partisans of the "southern origin" had
to point out a great number of interesting peculiarities likely to help solve the ethno-graphical problem. Near the Upper
Nile today, among the Fulbe, whose skin is quite yellow, those whom contemporaries consider as belonging to a pure race, are
rather red; the Bisharin are exactly of the same brick-red shade used on Egyptian monuments. To other ethnographers, these
"red men" would probably be Ethiopians modified by time and climate, or perhaps Negroes who have reached the halfway mark
in the evolution from blackness to whiteness. It has been noted that, in limestone areas, the Negro is less black than in
granitic and plutonic regions. It has even been thought that the hue changed with the season. Thus, Nubians were former Blacks,
but only in skin color, while their osteology has rcmained absolutely Negritic. The Negroes represented on Pharaonic paintings,
so clearly deline- ated by engravers and named Nahasou or Nahasiou in the hiero- glyphics, are not related to the Ethiopians,
the first people to come down into Egypt. Were the latter then attenuated Negroes, Nubians? Lepsius's canon gives ... the
proportions of the perfect Egyptian body; it has short arms and is Negroid or Negritian. From the anthropological point of
view, the Egyptian comes after the Polynesians, Samoyeds, Europeans, and is immediately fol- lowed by African Negroes and
Tasmanians. Besides, there is a scientific tendency to find in Africa, after excluding foreign influences, from the Mediterranean
to the Cape, from the Atlantic to the Indian Ocean, nothing but Negroes or Negroids of various colors. The ancient Egyptians
were Negroes, but Negroes to the last degree. {endquote} {endnote 20: Marius Fontanes, Les Egyptes (de 5000 a715).
Paris: Ed. Lemerre, n.d., pp 44-45.}
{end of quotes}
(2) G. K. Osei, a black American (LL.B., LL.M., Ph.D.), wrote in his 1983 Introduction to
G. Elliot Smith's booklet The Influence of Ancient Egyptian Civilization in the East and in America (New York, 1983;
I have this booklet but its publisher details are unclear; I obtained it from a Black American bookstore, most likely A&B
Books Publishers Brooklyn, NY 11201):
"The Great kings of Africa peacefully spread the African civilization to other parts. This peaceful process was disturbed
by the coming of the Hyksos into Egypt. These people conquered lower Egypt and ruled it for nearly two hundred years.
They were eventually expelled by a king from Upper Egypt. The kings who came after the explusion of the Hyksos extended
the boundaries of Egypt into Asia. Many nations in Asia came under the direct control of Egypt. At this time Egypt was
the most powerful country in the world. African culture spread to those conquered nations until a mad half-cast (mulatto)
came on the throne. This mad king was non other than Amenophis IV also known as Akhanaten.
"Akhanaten when he mounted the mighty throne deserted the old culture. He changed the religion of Egypt, and he married
a white woman from Mitanni. His wife's name was Nefert-iti ("The Fair One Comes"). It was the Egyptians who called Tadukhipa,
Dushratta's daughter Nefer-iti. She was at first sent to Egypt to marry Amenophis III but when she arrived the king had died
so she had to marry the king's son -Akhenaton. Akhenaton changed his wife's name from Nefertiti to Nefer-neferu-Aten, "Aten
is the Fairest of the Fair." It is very important to state here that the decline of the mighty Kingdom began from the time
Akhenaton came on the throne. The royal blue blood that ran through the veins of those mighty kings had become diluted by
the end of the eighteenth Dynasty. The Kings were the sons of white women from Asia. It must be remembered that the mother
of Akhenaton was a white woman called Tyi or Tii. Queen Tii was a foreign woman whose father's name was Iuya and came from
Asia Minor. The marriages of the Pharoahs to foreign women shocked the priests of Amen. The priests told Akhenaton that
the dynastic miracle of the divine birth should continue but this mad king Akhenaton paid them no attention. Instead the priests
were persecuted and Amen was deserted by the King. Akhenaton built a new capital where he started to worship his god. The
history of the African Race would be different today if Akenaton had not abandoned the old African Culture to embrace that
of a foreign country. He failed to send the army to defend the frontiers his great and proud ancestors had established.
As a result of his negligence the mighty empire of Africa fell to pieces. The present day (1983) African leaders must never
marry white women. White women will never help them to build Africa to become once again the teacher of the world. We
will teach the African to see beauty in himself."
AMERICA : before-columbus.html.
I do not post ALL of Diop's material. The fact that he and Elliot Smith overstated their case, that they were wrong
about some things, does not undo the ways in which they were right. The reaction against Diffusion has gone too far.
(3) DIODORUS OF SICILY tr. C.H. Oldfather, Harvard University Press
(Loeb), Cambridge Ma. 1968. Written about 56 B.C.
BOOK I chapter 96 {in Volume 1 of the Loeb series}
{p. 327} 96. But now that we have examined these matters, we must enumerate what Greeks, who have won fame for their
wisdom and learning, visited Egypt in ancient times, in order to become acquainted with its customs and learning. For
the priests of Egypt recount from the records of their sacred books that they were visited in early times by Orpheus,
Musaeus, Melampus, and Daedalus, also by the poet Homer and Lycurgus of Sparta, later by Solon
of Athens and the philosopher Plato, and that there also came Pythagoras of Samos and the mathematician Eudoxus,
{note 1} as well as Democritus of Abdera and Oenopides {note 2} of Chios. As evidence for the visits of all these men they
point in some cases to their statues and in others to places or buildings {note 3} which bear their names, and
they offer proofs from the branch of learning which each one of these men pursued, arguing that all the things for which they
were admired among the Greeks were transferred from Egypt.
Orpheus, for instance, brought from Egypt most of his mystic ceremonies, the orgiastic rites that accompanied
his wanderings, and his fabulous account of his experiences in Hades. For the rite of Osiris is the same as that of Dionysus
and that of Isis very similar to that of Demeter, the names alone having been interchanged; and the punishments in
Hades of the unrighteous, the Fields of the Righteous, and the fantastic conceptions, current among the ...
{translator's notes} 1 The famous astronomer, geographer, and mathematician of Cnidus, pupil of Plato. His stay in Egypt
is well attested 2 Cp. p. 336, n. 1. 3 For instance, according to Strabo (17. 1. 29), in Heliopolis were pointed
out the houses where Plato and Eudoxus had stopped. {end notes} {end Diodorus}
Read the original - from Diodorus: diodorus-v21.jpg.
(4) Herodotus Histories: the Egyptians (2.35-91)
... it is by mere coincidence that the Bacchic ceremonies in Greece are so nearly the same as the Egyptian - they
would then have been more Greek in their character, and less recent in their origin. Much less can I admit that the Egyptians
borrowed these customs, or any other, from the Greeks. My belief is that Melampus got his knowledge of them from Cadmus the
Tyrian, and the followers whom he brought from Phoenicia into the country which is now called Boeotia.
Almost all the names of the gods came into Greece from Egypt. My inquiries prove that they were all derived from a foreign
source, and my opinion is that Egypt furnished the greater number. For with the exception of Neptune and the Dioscuri,
whom I mentioned above, and Juno, Vesta, Themis, the Graces, and the Nereids, the other gods have been known from time immemorial
in Egypt. This I assert on the authority of the Egyptians themselves. The gods, with whose names they profess themselves unacquainted,
the Greeks received, I believe, from the Pelasgi, except Neptune. Of him they got their knowledge from the Libyans, by whom
he has been always honoured, and who were anciently the only people that had a god of the name. The Egyptians differ from
the Greeks also in paying no divine honours to heroes.
Besides these which have been here mentioned, there are many other practices whereof I shall speak hereafter, which
the Greeks have borrowed from Egypt. The peculiarity, however, which they observe in their statues of Mercury they did
not derive from the Egyptians, but from the Pelasgi; from them the Athenians first adopted it, and afterwards it passed from
the Athenians to the other Greeks. For just at the time when the Athenians were entering into the Hellenic body, the Pelasgi
came to live with them in their country, whence it was that the latter came first to be regarded as Greeks. Whoever has been
initiated into the mysteries of the Cabiri will understand what I mean. The Samothracians received these mysteries from the
Pelasgi, who, before they went to live in Attica, were dwellers in Samothrace, and imparted their religious ceremonies to
the inhabitants. The Athenians, then, who were the first of all the Greeks to make their statues of Mercury in this way, learnt
the practice from the Pelasgians; and by this people a religious account of the matter is given, which is explained in the
Samothracian mysteries.
In early times the Pelasgi, as I know by information which I got at Dodona, offered sacrifices of all kinds, and prayed
to the gods, but had no distinct names or appellations for them, since they had never heard of any. They called them gods
(Theoi, disposers), because they disposed and arranged all things in such a beautiful order. After a long lapse of time the
names of the gods came to Greece from Egypt, and the Pelasgi learnt them, only as yet they knew nothing of Bacchus, of whom
they first heard at a much later date. Not long after the arrival of the names they sent to consult the oracle at Dodona about
them. This is the most ancient oracle in Greece, and at that time there was no other. To their question, "Whether they should
adopt the names that had been imported from the foreigners?" the oracle replied by recommending their use. Thenceforth in
their sacrifices the Pelasgi made use of the names of the gods, and from them the names passed afterwards to the Greeks.
Whence the gods severally sprang, whether or no they had all existed from eternity, what forms they bore- these are questions
of which the Greeks knew nothing until the other day, so to speak. For Homer and Hesiod were the first to compose Theogonies,
and give the gods their epithets, to allot them their several offices and occupations, and describe their forms; and they
lived but four hundred years before my time, as I believe. As for the poets who are thought by some to be earlier than these,
they are, in my judgment, decidedly later writers. In these matters I have the authority of the priestesses of Dodona for
the former portion of my statements; what I have said of Homer and Hesiod is my own opinion.
The following tale is commonly told in Egypt concerning the oracle of Dodona in Greece, and that of Ammon in Libya.
My informants on the point were the priests of Jupiter at Thebes. They said "that two of the sacred women were once carried
off from Thebes by the Phoenicians, and that the story went that one of them was sold into Libya, and the other into Greece,
and these women were the first founders of the oracles in the two countries." On my inquiring how they came to know so
exactly what became of the women, they answered, "that diligent search had been made after them at the time, but that it had
not been found possible to discover where they were; afterwards, however, they received the information which they had given
This was what I heard from the priests at Thebes; at Dodona, however, the women who deliver the oracles relate the matter
as follows:- "Two black doves flew away from Egyptian Thebes, and while one directed its flight to Libya, the other came to
them. She alighted on an oak, and sitting there began to speak with a human voice, and told them that on the spot where
she was, there should henceforth be an oracle of Jove. They understood the announcement to be from heaven, so they set to
work at once and erected the shrine. The dove which flew to Libya bade the Libyans to establish there the oracle of Ammon."
This likewise is an oracle of Jupiter. The persons from whom I received these particulars were three priestesses of the Dodonaeans,
the eldest Promeneia, the next Timarete, and the youngest Nicandra- what they said was confirmed by the other Dodonaeans who
dwell around the temple.
My own opinion of these matters is as follows:- I think that, if it be true that the Phoenicians carried off the holy women,
and sold them for slaves, the one into Libya and the other into Greece, or Pelasgia (as it was then called), this last must
have been sold to the Thesprotians. Afterwards, while undergoing servitude in those parts, she built under a real oak a temple
to Jupiter, her thoughts in her new abode reverting - as it was likely they would do, if she had been an attendant in a temple
of Jupiter at Thebes - to that particular god. Then, having acquired a knowledge of the Greek tongue, she set up an oracle.
She also mentioned that her sister had been sold for a slave into Libya by the same persons as herself.
The Dodonaeans called the women doves because they were foreigners, and seemed to them to make a noise like birds. After
a while the dove spoke with a human voice, because the woman, whose foreign talk had previously sounded to them like the
chattering of a bird, acquired the power of speaking what they could understand. For how can it be conceived possible
that a dove should really speak with the voice of a man? Lastly, by calling the dove black the Dodonaeans indicated that
the woman was an Egyptian. And certainly the character of the oracles at Thebes and Dodona is very similar. Besides this
form of divination, the Greeks learnt also divination by means of victims from the Egyptians.
The Egyptians were also the first to introduce solemn assemblies, processions, and litanies to the gods;
of all which the Greeks were taught the use by them. It seems to me a sufficient proof of this that in Egypt these practices
have been established from remote antiquity, while in Greece they are only recently known.
The Egyptians do not hold a single solemn assembly, but several in the course of the year. Of these the chief, which is
better attended than any other, is held at the city of Bubastis in honour of Diana. The next in importance is that which takes
place at Busiris, a city situated in the very middle of the Delta; it is in honour of Isis, who is called in the Greek tongue
Demiter (Ceres). There is a third great festival in Sais to Minerva, a fourth in Heliopolis to the Sun, a fifth in Buto to
Latona, and a sixth in Papremis to Mars.
... With respect to the Egyptians themselves, it is to be remarked that those who live in the corn country, devoting
themselves, as they do, far more than any other people in the world, to the preservation of the memory of past actions, are
the best skilled in history of any men that I have ever met. The following is the mode of life habitual to them:- For three
successive days in each month they purge the body by means of emetics and clysters, which is done out of a regard for their
health, since they have a persuasion that every disease to which men are liable is occasioned by the substances whereon they
feed. Apart from any such precautions, they are, I believe, next to the Libyans, the healthiest people in the world
- an effect of their climate, in my opinion, which has no sudden changes. Diseases almost always attack men when they
are exposed to a change, and never more than during changes of the weather. They live on bread made of spelt, which they form
into loaves called in their own tongue cyllestis. Their drink is a wine which they obtain from barley, as they have no vines
in their country. Many kinds of fish they eat raw, either salted or dried in the sun. Quails also, and ducks and small birds,
they eat uncooked, merely first salting them. All other birds and fishes, excepting those which are set apart as sacred, are
eaten either roasted or boiled.
In social meetings among the rich, when the banquet is ended, a servant carries round to the several guests a coffin,
in which there is a wooden image of a corpse, carved and painted to resemble nature as nearly as possible, about a cubit
or two cubits in length. As he shows it to each guest in turn, the servant says, "Gaze here, and drink and be merry; for
when you die, such will you be."
The Egyptians adhere to their own national customs, and adopt no foreign usages. Many of these customs are worthy of note:
among others their song, the Linus, which is sung under various names not only in Egypt but in Phoenicia, in Cyprus, and in
other places; and which seems to be exactly the same as that in use among the Greeks, and by them called Linus. There were
very many things in Egypt which filled me with astonishment, and this was one of them. Whence could the Egyptians have got
the Linus? It appears to have been sung by them from the very earliest times. For the Linus in Egyptian is called Maneros;
and they told me that Maneros was the only son of their first king, and that on his untimely death he was honoured by the
Egyptians with these dirgelike strains, and in this way they got their first and only melody.
There is another custom in which the Egyptians resemble a particular Greek people, namely the Lacedaemonians. Their
young men, when they meet their elders in the streets, give way to them and step aside; and if an elder come in where
young men are present, these latter rise from their seats. In a third point they differ entirely from all the nations of Greece.
Instead of speaking to each other when they meet in the streets, they make an obeisance, sinking the hand to the knee.
They wear a linen tunic fringed about the legs, and called calasiris; over this they have a white woollen garment thrown
on afterwards. Nothing of woollen, however, is taken into their temples or buried with them, as their religion forbids it.
Here their practice resembles the rites called Orphic and Bacchic, but which are in reality Egyptian and Pythagorean;
for no one initiated in these mysteries can be buried in a woollen shroud, a religious reason being assigned for the observance.
The Egyptians likewise discovered to which of the gods each month and day is sacred; and found out from the day of a
man's birth what he will meet with in the course of his life, and how he will end his days, and what sort of man he will
be - discoveries whereof the Greeks engaged in poetry have made a use. The Egyptians have also discovered more prognostics
than all the rest of mankind besides. Whenever a prodigy takes place, they watch and record the result; then, if anything
similar ever happens again, they expect the same consequences.
With respect to divination, they hold that it is a gift which no mortal possesses, but only certain of the gods: thus they
have an oracle of Hercules, one of Apollo, of Minerva, of Diana, of Mars, and of Jupiter. Besides these, there is the oracle
of Latona at Buto, which is held in much higher repute than any of the rest. The mode of delivering the oracles is not uniform,
but varies at the different shrines.
Medicine is practised among them on a plan of separation; each physician treats a single disorder, and no more: thus
the country swarms with medical practitioners, some undertaking to cure diseases of the eye, others of the head, others
again of the teeth, others of the intestines, and some those which are not local.
More at
(5) Martin Bernal puts the case for African/Semitic influence on the formation of Greek culture and institutions,
in Black Athena: The Afroasiatic Roots of Classical Civilization Volume II The Archaeological and Documentary Evidence,
Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick NJ 1991.
Martin Bernal's reply to Mary Lefkowitz: from Bryn Mawr Classical Review 96.04.05 -----
Mary Lefkowitz, Not Out of Africa: How Afrocentrism Became an Excuse to Teach Myth as History. New York: New Republic
and Basic Books, 1996. $24.00. ISBN 0-465-09837-1.
Reviewed by Martin Bernal, Cornell University.
When Mary Lefkowitz first encountered Afrocentrism in 1991, she was appalled. She discovered that there were people writing
books and teaching that Greek civilization had derived from, or had even been "stolen" from Egypt. They were making claims
that the Ancient Egyptians were black, as were Socrates, Cleopatra, and other important cultural figures in the Ancient World.
They maintained that Greece had been invaded from Africa in the Middle of the 2nd millennium, that Greek religion and mystery
systems were based on Egyptian prototypes and that what was called "Greek" philosophy was in fact the secret wisdom of Egyptian
lodges of a Masonic type. She also discovered that these arguments were being supported by gross errors of fact, such as the
idea that Aristotle had plundered the Egyptian library at Alexandria as a basis for his own massive philosophical and scientific
writings. In fact, of course, the library at Alexandria was founded by Macedonian Greeks at least 30 years after Aristotle's
If Mary Lefkowitz knew that this was all fantasy and did not conform to the facts as painstakingly assembled by modern
classicists and ancient historians, why did she bother to confront it at all? She explains that it was because Afrocentric
literature was widely read and that it was being taught, not merely in a number of school districts but also in some universities.
Furthermore, when she had attempted to question Afrocentric speakers on her own campus (Wellesley) she had been rudely rebuffed.
Even worse, when she appealed to colleagues for help they often failed to support her. Their ostensible grounds for this reluctance
was the relativist position that as all history is fiction, there was room for many different stories. Thus, for them Afrocentrist
history was no less true than the classicists' version of the roots of Greek civilization. However, Mary Lefkowitz believes
that another and more significant reason why her colleagues let her down, was the fear of being labeled as racist.
She sees the Afrocentrists as living in a sealed off intellectual ghetto, impervious to outside information, where they
pay no attention to the truth of their propositions but are purely concerned with the "feel good" factor and boosting the
low self-esteem of African-Americans. While she has some respect for this motive, she denies that it has any place in the
writing and teaching of history which must always remain objective. Thus, she has felt obliged to stand up and be counted
against what she sees as the Afrocentrist assault on the basic principles of education, respect for the facts, logical argument
and open debate.
For this reason, she wrote a series of overlapping articles on these "myths". This book is a compilation from these with
added material and argument. Its purpose is to expose Afrocentric absurdities once and for all, but its length is required
because their demolition has turned out to be rather more complicated than she first supposed.
Before going any further, I should like to look at what is meant by "Afrocentrism." As Mary Lefkowitz points out, the term
was invented by Molefi Asante, who sees it as a way to escape Eurocentrism and its extensions, by looking at the world from
an African standpoint. Since then, the label "Afrocentrist" has been attached to a number of intellectual positions ranging
from "All good things come from Africa," or as Leonard Jeffries puts it: "Africa creates, Europe imitates," to those, among
whom I see myself, who merely maintain that Africans and peoples of African descent have made many significant contributions
to world progress and that for the past two centuries, these have been systematically played down by European and North American
Mary Lefkowitz dislikes the whole gamut. She swipes at Frederick Douglass, Edward Blyden and W.E.B. Du Bois for maintaining
that African Americans shared a common African heritage with Ancient Egypt. However, her principal objection is to the 20th
century group that some African-Americans refer to as "Nilocentric," because of its relative neglect of other African regions
and civilizations, and its focus on the Nile Valley and Egypt. I too am included in her attacks but her rogues' gallery consists
of John Henrik Clark, Cheikh Anta Diop, Yosef Ben-Yochannan and above all George G.M. James.1
That Afrocentrists should make so many mistakes is over-determined. They have the sense of being embattled in a hostile
world and of possessing an absolute and general truth, which makes one have less concern about details. More important than
these reasons, however, are the extraordinary material difficulties they have faced in acquiring training in the requisite
languages, in finding time and space to carry on research, money to buy books or even gain access to libraries, let alone
finding publishers who could provide academic checks and competent proof readers. None of these difficulties applies to Mary
Lefkowitz, who has been thoroughly educated in Latin and Greek (though not in Ancient Egyptian), has for many years been tenured
at a rich college and has received financial grants from massive foundations in order to write her attacks on Afrocentrism.
That Professor Lefkowitz should make so many factual errors is much more intriguing.
For instance: Pelops was not, as she writes (p. 13), the legendary founder of Argos. His activities in Greece were focused
on Elis and Pisa not the Argolid. She states that hieroglyphics were deciphered in 1836 (p. 35). In fact, Champollion, the
man who deciphered them, had died in 1831. The dates generally given for the decipherment are 1821-2, when he made the breakthrough
or 1824 when he published his Precis du systeme hieroglyphique ... She writes that the theory that the Nile flood is the result
of snow melted by South Winds "was not far from the truth" (p. 77). In fact, it is false and, as the great Greek scientist
Eudoxos realized, it was the result of rains in Ethiopia.
We are all capable of this kind of sloppiness and such errors are relatively trivial and harmless. Other mistakes are less
innocent. For instance, she says that Eudoxos was supposed to have gone to Egypt when it was under Persian domination. Mary
Lefkowitz is virtually alone in doubting that he did go, and it is also generally agreed that he went in the 380s or 370s
BC when Egypt was independent.2 This error too might seem to be simply the result of her slapdash approach. However, the mistake
helps her general case that the Ancient Greeks knew very little about Egypt, by suggesting that Eudoxos did not visit Egypt
but that if he did, his knowledge of it would somehow have been obscured by Persian rule or, as she puts it, it "might have
presented serious difficulties" (p. 79).
A more substantial and significant error is her statement on (p. 6): "Since the founding of this country (the USA), ancient
Greece has been intimately connected with the ideals of democracy." In fact, the very source she cites, states something very
... in 1787 and 1788 the Anti-federalists did not have a classical leg to stand on. There was no tradition of representative
democracy to which they could appeal, and direct democracies like Athens, bore the stigma of instability, violence, corruption
and injustice ... (such) that even many friends of democracy in America avoided using the word. Like the advocates of mixed
government, they used the word "republic ..."3
Mary Lefkowitz's sloppiness here might seem inconsequential, but in fact, it serves a very important purpose in her general
argument. It is the implication that one cannot have freedom or democracy without a respectful awareness of ancient Greece,
and that there has been a continuous flame of such reverence that can only be doused at our peril. Therefore -- she implies
-- the Afrocentrists are enemies of freedom.
This suggestion is untenable even within the Western tradition. The English "Revolution" of the 17th century relied on
the anti-royalist aspects of the Bible and myths of Saxon freedom, while the American and French revolutions of the 18th century
took Republican Rome as a model. Nevertheless, there is no doubt that since the 1820s, the images of ancient Greece, and Athens
in particular, have usually served a positive function. On the other hand, ante-bellum Southern writers used Ancient Greece
and Athens to demonstrate the political and cultural benefits of slavery.4 And today, extreme conservatives with whom -- as
we shall see -- Mary Lefkowitz is intimately connected, are using images of ancient Greece for their own political agendas.
Another type of error found in Not Out of Africa comes from the author's discovering what she wants and then failing to
check further. For example, referring to the information Egyptian priests gave to the writer Diodoros of Sicily in the 1st
century BC, she writes of their claims of Egyptian influence on Greece and adds that:
"these included many Egyptian customs in their laws." He does not say what exactly these laws might have been; presumably
no one really knew. The idea that early Greek law was inspired by Egyptian law is a historical fiction (p.75).5
On the following page, she repeats the charge that Diodoros lacked specific information. The passage she cited was from
Diodoros I.98.2. If she had gone back to I.77.5 she would have seen that Diodoros (or his informants) had specified that Solon
had adopted an Egyptian law according to which everybody had to declare the source of their income.6 In I.79.3 Diodoros specified
yet another Solonic law supposed to derive from Egypt, his famous seisachtheia "shaking off of debts" according to which a
man could not be imprisoned or enslaved for debt. Whether or not Diodoros' claims are correct -- the last has been treated
seriously in the 20th century, though there are chronological problems -- they are clearly specific.7 It is clear that in
her eagerness to discredit Diodoros as vague and unspecific she failed to see, or at least to note, references that would
weaken her case.
I find it flattering that Mary Lefkowitz sometimes prefers to attack claims that I do not make to ones that I do. For an
instance of the former class, there is her belief that I derive the Greek word hikesios "suppliant" from the Egyptian HK3
h3st "chieftains of foreign hill country," later known to the Greeks as Hyksos. These people invaded Egypt from the North
East, in the 18th century BC and some of them may have gone on to the Aegean. In fact, I make no claim about the etymology
of Hiko or hikneomai from which hikesios would appear to be derived. What I do say is that there was a punning relationship
between Hyksos and hikesios and that the Egyptian name may have been the basis of Hikesios as the specific local title of
the god Zeus.
Where she attacks claims that I do make, she does precisely what she accuses the Afrocentrists of doing: she selects her
evidence rejecting data that does not support her arguments. For instance, she admits the "ingenuity" of my proposal that
the name Athena derives from the Egyptian Ht Nt, the religious name of the city of Sais, the center of the cult of the virgin
goddess Neit. Furthermore, she provides no alternative, nor does she question the phonetics of my proposed etymology. Nevertheless,
she rejects it because of what she sees as dissimilarities between the two goddesses (p. 65). The outline of the evidence
for the etymology, which I shall present in more detail in volume III, is set out in volume I (pp. 51-52). In this, I make
it clear that Plato too identified the two goddesses, that there was strong iconographic or pictorial evidence linking them,
and that a derivation from Ht Nt would explain the double use of the name for the goddess and her city.
Why should Mary Lefkowitz make so many slips and use so many slippery arguments, when she does not have the excuses of
many Afrocentrists of lacking training and resources? One reason is that although more than four years have passed since 1991,
the book was obviously written in a hurry. It still shows signs of its origin in the cobbling together of articles written
with passionate urgency for the popular and semi-popular press, with a few academic excursions. Nevertheless, I am convinced
that this is less significant than the impact of two other factors, which, interestingly, she shares with the extreme Afrocentrists.
The first of these is her conviction that she possesses an absolute general truth that allows her to be cavalier with specifics.
The second is that she and her allies feel besieged and therefore they sometimes feel obliged to abandon the niceties of open
academic debate.
Her general truth is that Greece did not derive any significant part of its civilization from Egypt. In this, she not only
flies in the face of Greek and Roman tradition but even goes further than most of her classicist colleagues. For instance,
she is extremely doubtful that Plato ever went to Egypt because, she maintains, references to the visit only appear in the
late Hellenistic period (1st century BC). However, according to recent scholarship on the issue, the tradition of the journey
goes back to Speusippos, Plato's nephew and his successor as head of the Academy.8 Similarly, Mary Lefkowitz challenges 19th
and 20th century classical scholarship when she says that:
Every English translation [of Herodotos II 43.2] that I know of says that Heracles was descended distantly "from Egypt."
But the translation is incorrect. Herodotos is talking about Aegyptus the man rather than Aigyptos the country (p. 25).
Her grounds for this defiance of conventional wisdom are that all the earlier scholars have mistranslated the preposition
apo, which according to her, in this context can only mean "descent from" and "If he had meant Egypt the country he would
have written ek" (p.181). There are three reasons why all the translators preferred Egypt to Aigyptos. The first is that no
mythographer associated Lynkeus the sole surviving son of Aigyptos with either -- let alone both -- of Herakles' parents.9
Secondly, there was no point in making any distinction, because Danaos' twin brother, the legendary Aigyptos was supposed
to have come directly from Egypt. The third reason is that the earlier scholars were not concerned by Herodotos' use of apo
here. Mary Lefkowitz exaggerates the difference between it and ek. There are scores if not hundreds of instances of Herodotos'
having used apo in its original sense of "motion from or out of". The phrase ap' Aigyptou itself appears twice a few chapters
later in the lines, Melampos brought into Greece things that he had learned in Egypt, and "The names of nearly all the gods
came to Greece from Egypt."10
Mary Lefkowitz's far fetched claim here can easily be explained in terms of her eagerness to separate Greece from Egypt
and the desire to use her knowledge of language to intimidate the Afrocentrists. It does not cast doubt on Mary Lefkowitz's
knowledge of Greek and Latin. On the other hand, while she knows these languages, she does not know much about linguistics
and she has virtually no understanding of language contact, which is the relevant field when looking at the relations between
Egypt and Greece. For instance, she writes:
Once they were able to read real Egyptian ... it became clear to them that the relation of Egyptian to Greek culture was
less close than they imagined. Egyptian belonged to the Afroasiatic family while Greek was an Indo-European language, akin
to Sanskrit and European languages like Latin (pp. 57-8).
The family relationships are undoubtedly correct, but to my knowledge, no Afrocentrist has ever argued that there was a
genetic relationship between Egyptian and Greek. What they and I maintain is that Ancient Egyptian culture had a massive impact
on that of Greece and that this is reflected in a substantial number of Egyptian names loan words in Greek.11 Mary Lefkowitz
does not seem to realize that lexical loans primarily reflect contemporary contacts, not past genetic relationships. For example,
while Chinese is even more distant genetically from Korean and Japanese than Egyptian and Semitic are from Greek, Korean and
Japanese are filled with Chinese loan words.12
At another point she writes:
Vague similarities do not prove any connection between words. The sound qualities of vowel consonants alike change when
words are assimilated from one language to another, and even loan-words are transformed: for example, the Latinized Greek
word episcopus becomes bishop in the mouths of Saxon converts in the 9th century A.D. (pp.23-4)13
The last clause may impress her readers with her learning, but in fact, it undermines her basic argument. If words as apparently
dissimilar as episcopus and bishop can be related, it shows that given semantic parallels, "vague similarities" should be
taken into account. Furthermore, the net must be cast still more widely when, as is the case with Egypt and Greece, contact
between two cultures has been carried on for many thousands of years and there will be many different phonetic correspondences.
More of Bernal's reply:
{end Bernal material}
Martin Bernal on the Aryan Invasions: gimbutas.html.
Martin Bernal equates the Exodus with the Expulsion of the Hyksos: archaeology-bible.html.
(6) Cyrus H. Gordon on race-mixing in Egypt
Gordon wrote in his book The Ancient Near East, 3rd edition, revised (W. W. Norton & Co, New York, 1965), p.
{quote} Egypt had a long prehistory ... There is evidence of a number of migrations. At an early date (perhaps well back
in the fifth millenium) Hamito-Semites swept down from Asia into the Nile Valley, where they vanquished an earlier
population. Egypt has always been exposed to infiltration from the north and south ends of the Nile Valley. Negroes
came from the south and constituted the main racial stock of Nubia in antiquity and of the Sudan today. Further
north, however, the white immigrants predominated, with the result that the population came to be light brown
and to speak an Egyptian language related to the Semitic languages of Asia. {endquote} {end}
(7) Donald B. Redford enters the Afrocentrist debate
From Slave to Pharaoh: The Black Experience of Ancient Egypt by Donald B. Redford
... Donald B. Redford is a professor of classics and ancient Mediterranean studies at the Pennsylvania State University.
Among his many books are (as editor) The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt and The Oxford Essential Guide
to Egyptian Mythology, and (as author) Akhenaten, the Heretic King and Egypt, Canaan, and Israel in Ancient
... In From Slave to Pharaoh, noted Egyptologist Donald B. Redford examines over two millennia of complex social
and cultural interactions between Egypt and the Nubian and Sudanese civilizations that lay to the south of Egypt. These interactions
resulted in the expulsion of the black Kushite pharaohs of the Twenty-fifth Dynasty in 671 B.C. by an invading Assyrian army.
Redford traces the development of Egyptian perceptions of race as their dominance over the darker-skinned peoples of Nubia
and the Sudan grew, exploring the cultural construction of spatial and spiritual boundaries between Egypt and other African
peoples. Redford focuses on the role of racial identity in the formulation of imperial power in Egypt and the legitimization
of its sphere of influence, and he highlights the dichotomy between the Egyptians' treatment of the black Africans it deemed
enemies and of those living within Egyptian society. He also describes the range of responses - from resistance to assimilation
- of subjugated Nubians and Sudanese to their loss of self-determination. Indeed, by the time of the Twenty-fifth Dynasty,
the culture of the Kushite kings who conquered Egypt in the late eighth century B.C. was thoroughly Egyptian itself.
Moving beyond recent debates between Afrocentrists and their critics over the racial characteristics of Egyptian civilization,
From Slave to Pharaoh reveals the true complexity of race, identity, and power in Egypt as documented through surviving
texts and artifacts, while at the same time providing a compelling account of war, conquest, and culture in the ancient world.
Let us suppose that Diop's account is true - that "whites" came late to civilization, but subsequently rose to eminence;
and that "blacks" at the same time fell from those heights. Is not the Marxist Cultural Revolution, in the West since the
1960s, destroying civilization? Preventing its transmission to the younger generation? Marxism as anti-civilization: anti-civ.html.
Is it too, not based on Akhnaton's "Monotheism"? Sigmund Freud on the connection between Akhnaton and Jewish "Universalism":
Robert Ellwood shows in his book The Sixties Spiritual Awakening (Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick NJ, 1994)
the connection between the New Left and a Jewish reassertion of monotheism as "the fundamental premise of Western religion:
a single transcendent center of value that is more than merely subjective and beside which everything without exception must
be weighed and judged" (p.95): new-left.html
The "Black Books" site says this of Dr G. K. Osei: "85. No Woman No Cry: The Life of Bob Marley, by Dr. G. K. Osei. This is the classic
that was written by one of the legendary, Independent Black publishers, Dr. Osei, a Ghanaian who died in the last phase of
his work in North America."
To purchase G. K. Osei's books second-hand via Abebooks:
The MAAT Newsletter (Africentric Scholarship):
More on the Phoenicians:
To order Cheikh Anta Diop's book The African Origin of Civilization from Amazon:
To purchase Cheikh Anta Diop's books second-hand via Abebooks:
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